Simon Jantsch

I am a computer scientist working on theoretical and practical topics in formal verification.

Currently, I work as a software engineer for Siemens EDA on formal verification of hardware circuits.

Before that, I did my PhD at the TU Dresden under the supervision of Christel Baier. My thesis is about certificates and witnesses for probabilistic model checking. Further research areas that I have contributed to are automata theory and causality-inspired algorithms and explanation methods in verification.

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A python tool which computes certificates and witnesses for probabilistic model checking. Developed together with Hans Harder.
Work that I'm particularly proud of is highlighted.
Zertifikate und Zeugen im Probabilistischen Model Checking
Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 2022 (Band D23) - Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. - Schloss Dagstuhl
A Unifying Formal Approach to Importance Values in Boolean Functions
with Hans Harder, Christel Baier and Clemens Dubslaff.
Accepted at the international joint conference on artificial intelligence - IJCAI 2023.
full version
Witnesses and Certificates for probabilistic model checking
PhD thesis, 2022.
Probabilistic causes in Markov Chains
with Christel Baier, Florian Funke, Jakob Piribauer and Robin Ziemek.
Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering, 2022.
From Emerson-Lei automata to deterministic, limit-deterministic or good-for-MDP automata
with Tobias John , Christel Baier and Sascha Klüppelholz .
Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering, 2022.
Operational Causality – Necessarily Sufficient and Sufficiently Necessary
with Christel Baier, Clemens Dubslaff, Florian Funke , Jakob Piribauer and Robin Ziemek .
A Journey from Process Algebra via Timed Automata to Model Learning. Essays Dedicated to Frits Vaandrager on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday, 2022.
Parameter Synthesis for Parametric Probabilistic Dynamical Systems and Prefix-Independent Specifications
with Christel Baier, Florian Funke , Toghrul Karimov , Engel Lefaucheux , Joël Ouaknine , David Purser, Markus A. Whiteland and James Worrell.
Concurrency Theory - CONCUR 2022.
Witnessing Subsystems for Probabilistic Systems with Low Tree Width
with Jakob Piribauer and Christel Baier.
Games, Automata, Logics, and Formal Verification - GandALF 2021
full version
Probabilistic causes in Markov Chains
with Christel Baier, Florian Funke , Jakob Piribauer and Robin Ziemek.
Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis - ATVA 2021 doi full version
From LTL to Unambiguous Büchi Automata via Disambiguation of Alternating Automata
with David Müller, Christel Baier and Joachim Klein.
Formal Methods in System Design, 2021. doi full version
Determinization and Limit-determinization of Emerson-Lei automata
with Tobias John , Christel Baier and Sascha Klüppelholz .
Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis - ATVA 2021 (Best Paper Award!) doi full version
The Orbit Problem for Parametric Linear Dynamical Systems
with Christel Baier, Florian Funke , Toghrul Karimov , Engel Lefaucheux , Florian Luca, Joël Ouaknine , David Purser, Markus A. Whiteland and James Worrell.
Concurrency Theory - CONCUR 2021. doi full version
From Verification to Causality-based Explications
with Christel Baier, Clemens Dubslaff, Florian Funke , Rupak Majumdar, Jakob Piribauer and Robin Ziemek.
International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming - ICALP 2021. (invited paper) doi full version
Causality-based Game Solving
with Christel Baier, Norine Coenen, Bernd Finkbeiner, Florian Funke and Julian Siber.
Computer Aided Verification - CAV 2021. doi full version
Responsibility and verification: Importance value in temporal logics
with Corto Mascle, Christel Baier, Florian Funke and Stefan Kiefer .
Logic in Computer Science - LICS 2021. doi full version
Reachability in Dynamical Systems with Rounding
with Christel Baier, Florian Funke , Toghrul Karimov , Engel Lefaucheux , Joël Ouaknine , Amaury Pouly, David Purser and Markus A. Whiteland.
Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science - FSTTCS 2020. doi full version
SWITSS: Computing Small Witnessing Subsystems
with Hans Harder, Florian Funke and Christel Baier.
Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design - FMCAD 2020. doi talk
Minimal witnesses for probabilistic timed automata
with Florian Funke and Christel Baier.
Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis - ATVA 2020. doi full version
Farkas certificates and minimal witnesses for probabilistic reachability constraints
with Florian Funke and Christel Baier.
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems - TACAS 2020. doi full version
From LTL to Unambiguous Büchi Automata via Disambiguation of Alternating Automata
with David Müller, Christel Baier and Joachim Klein.
Formal Methods - FM 2019. doi full version
Verifying the LTL to Büchi Automata Translation via Very Weak Alternating Automata
with Michael Norrish.
Website template taken from Jon Barron.